Agreene's Thoughts

Where Real Writing Exists

What Is Your Expiration Date?

on September 22, 2012

Lets face it ladies, women have a harder time getting a man to commit more than the other way around. Some women(I give credit to) will stay with a man faithfully until he decides that he wants to fully commit to her. I started to ask myself, the women that stay with these “big kids” do they ever give themselves an expiration date when enough is enough? Men feel as if they are missing out on something better if they commit to one woman. Its natures beast for them to wander and some never settle down. Am I saying that men are the only guilty party when it comes to committment phobia? Absolutely not, but women natures beast typically is to be a nurturer and most our looking for the security and/or companionship. It seems to me that some women just settle for the fact that maybe the person they are with are as good as it gets. Some women used the crutch, ” At least he doesn’t beat me,” or ” He always comes right back to me after he is out doing him,” or my favorite “He takes care of home so I don’t care what he does when he is not around me.” Women WAKE UP! Stop settling for these men that isn’t giving you your full worth. If you have standards don’t start crossing them off the list because you are scared of being alone. If the man you are with is not doing what he should be doing to make you happy, then just like food has it he should have an expiration date. When his time is up don’t try to salvage the “mold that grew on the bread” by cutting it off. You have to throw it away and shop for some more. Living alone, being happy and not taking advantage of is far better than being in a relationship that is way past its “date”.

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